
Our charity Victoria's wish was created out of a need to provide the very best life possible to young people with life threatening illnesses brought home to us by the plight of our daughter who passed away at the tender age of 19.

Victoria Marie Lawrence was an amazing 19 year old girl who was beautiful inside and out. from the age of seven Victoria spent many hours on the children's cancer ward at the Great north Children's Hospital (formerly Royal Victoria Infirmiry Newcastle) helping the nurses look after her younger sister and other children on the ward. It was there that she decided that she wanted to devote her life to nursing children.

At the age of 16 Victoria developed a 70% curvature of the spine and had to undergo major surgery, yet her only concern was that this might stop her training to become a nurse. However, in August 2008 her dream came true when she was accepted on the Paediatric Nursing Degree Course at Teesside University starting the following month.

She loved the course and in the December went on her first placement initially at Errington School, Marske. On Tuesday 9th December Victoria was thrilled to be wearing her nurses uniform for the very first time and we were so proud. Although feeing a little unwell she went to do her first night shift but we were not to know that it would also be her last because on the Thursday of that week she went to see her GP who diagnosed that she had Gastro-enteritis.

However, overnight Victoria's health deteriorated rapidly and the following morning Victoria died in the arms of her mum and dad. An autopsy proved that she had Sepsis, Bronchopneumonia and Emphysema which she must have been fighting so hard to overcome to fulfill her desire to care for others.

Victoria's smile could light a room and she was never happier than when she was surrounded by children.

The aim of our charity is to raise sufficient funds to make a difference to children with Cancer and other life threatening illnesses living in the North east of England. We will achieve this by arranging short respite breaks, trips away, annual parties, pantomime visits etc.creating smiles and happy memories for both the children and their families. We will also secure grants to help with travel, treatment and also sadly, funeral expenses.


Can you please help us ?

Any donations will be gratefully received and apreciated by the families we support and 100% of any donations received will go into the charity.


Registered Charity No. 1141451  -  Our funds go to children in need not executives

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