Hits: 12767

I loved working with you at the Middlesbrough Stadium Vicki, sneaking up to watch the match, laughing at the players rubbish parking outside our window.

To this day I can't hear "Ruby" by the Kaiser Chiefs without thinking about you. That song played at every Boro game for a year on those screens and drove us batty, but we always used to sing along to it, each with our own parts.

Miss you lots,
Martha xxx

by Martha Dollery on Dec 2nd 2010

Just thinking about you as we enter our third year as nurse students especially at graduation. I only knew you for a short while but you were a lovely member of our group, you would have made a lovely nurse.

Often in my thoughts.


by Adele Lisle on November 25th 2010

On the 23rd of July my beautiful angel became 21, although I missed (and always do) my angel I know she would have been living it up wherever she is. I love you darling and wish you could be back here where you belong.


Mam xxxx

by Lynne Lawrence on July 31st 2010

My best friend and the sister I never had (until Hannah was born, then I had two)

genuinely the best friend I could ever ask for who lives on in our hearts.   xx

by Jay on July 25th 2010

I can't believe it's just been your 21st, time has flown by. It made me think about your 18th birthday when me and Anne got a littl bit too drunk and Anne ended up falling asleep on the sofa while I broke a few wine glasses ... Ooops !

You seemed to find it very funny though and I know last year me, Tom, Anne and the rest of us who went to your 18th even broke another wine glass in memory of that ( we probably owe the Rugby Clublots of money by now) it was worth it though.

I was looking through my leavers book the other day too and you wrote in it twice (hogger !) but it brought back so many good memories and just reminded me how silly we were at school. And that was BEFORE we discovered alcohol ! Sometimes these memories make me laugh but at other times they bring tears to my eyes. I will treasure them and the things you wrote in my leavers book has definitely taught me to have respect for life and to make the most of what I have got.

You were always so happy and smiley and will never be forgotten. I'm sorry I'm not able to visit you as much as I would like to but I know you are up there keeping an eye on everyone.

Miss you Vicki,


by Becca Thompson on July 25th 2010

Victoria loved so much. When she was let down she always forgave and I miss her more than I could ever express. Victoria loved children and hoped to bringjoy into the lives of sick children and I hope we can keep her wish alive.

Love you.

by Lynne Lawrence (mam) on July 13th 2010

Victoria was my best friend for years and still is, we went through bad times and came out the other side but on the other hand I have more great memories than I care to remember.

by Adam Peel on July 7th 2010

Hi gorgeous girl ! ! !  Went to see McFly last night, we know you were there with us and loved every minute ! Di you like the poster we made for you ?

Love you xxx

by Natasha Pinda on July 7th 2010

I can honestly say I;ve never met a more genuine, caring and selfless person in my entire life.

by Adam Peel on July 7th 2010

Every day I miss you more, you have been gone long enough, please come home.

by Lynne Lawrence (mum) on July 7th 2010